Scholarship Requirements

Students who wish to enroll at Florida Tech with an ROTC Scholarship must meet all requirements for undergraduate admission as well as the following requirements set forth by the Army.

To receive an ROTC Scholarship, students must also contract with the Army to fulfill all post-graduation service obligations.

For High School Seniors

Results of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) 

  •  SAT  or an American College Test (ACT) is required.  If you take both the SAT and ACT, please furnish the results of both test to this office - your best score will be used.

High School Academic Standing

  • Class size and rank.
  • High school GPA of 2.5 or higher.


  • You must be a United States citizen or naturalized.

Extracurricular Participation

  • Athletic activities and leadership positions held.  
  • If you have held part-time jobs during the school year and do not have the time for extensive participation in sports and extracurricular activities, you will be given credit based on the number of hours you worked per week.


  • Able to pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)*.
  • Able to pass Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)*
  • Medically qualified through United States Department of Defense *.

Personal Interview

  • It is very important that you apply to the schools you list on your application.
  • Your information will only be given to the Professor of Military Science (PMS) at the schools you have listed if you become an interviewee. 
  • You will contact the PMS or Recruiting Officer to schedule the interview.

* We will administer your APFT and/or ACFT and pay for your physical examination to verify medical qualification.

For Current College Students

You Must:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or Higher
  • Have applied to and been accepted at Florida Tech
  • Be a United States citizen or naturalized
  • Be able to pass Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)*
  • Be able to pass an Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)*
  • Be medically qualified through United States Department of Defense *
  • Complete a personal interview

* We will administer your APFT  and/or ACFT and pay for your physical examination to verify medical qualification.