Prospective Researchers and Professors

Prospective international scholars are defined as foreign nationals who are interested in coming to the Florida Institute of Technology as participants in the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program to engage in research or teaching in a Florida Tech department under the supervision of a Florida Tech professor.

Florida Tech's Exchange Visitor Program is administered by the International Student and Scholar Services Office (ISSS), and overseen by the US Department of State. The University is authorized to bring qualified participants in four categories: professor, research scholar, short-term scholar, and student (both degree and non-degree). Students will not be discussed here. The other three categories are those that the University refers to as "international scholars."

If you are a foreign national and are interested in participating in the Florida Tech Exchange Visitor Program, please contact the department you wish to join to inquire if the department has any interest in hosting you as an international scholar and how you may apply to become an international scholar. It is up to each individual department to decide whether to invite any person to participate in the Exchange Visitor Program and to inform prospective exchange visitors on the appropriate steps to take in order to become an international scholar.

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